Sunday, March 2, 2014

Midweek madness

 Mid week TV (note man down at the end of the sofa)

 "What's wrong with this picture?"  Tyler said as we were driving home up Joe's Hill on Wednesday evening.

"It's still light" I said incredulously. First time in about 20 months that we've got home before dark.

We then watched television after supper, unheard of in our household. That's something we normally only do on a Saturday night, so it felt positively wicked mid-week.

Of course everything went to s.h one T on Thursday, but who cares.

Now we have a long weekend, and the bakery is actually closed on Monday. It's Sunday afternoon and I'm still in my pyjamas at 3pm, having just finished a large bowl of chocolate ice cream. I've been on Pinterest since 6 am this morning "researching" ideas for Easter. And looking at houses in France. And houses in the Natal Midlands. And Expedia. And new salad ideas. And quirky cakes. And reading the Sunday NY Times online.

We should probably be out at the beach doing something healthy (we can do that tomorrow) but this is what really recharges my batteries, "so weh" as we used to say when we were 5 years old.

Tyler is upstairs, alternatively dozing and reading his book, so he's also happy. Boys are off doing something somewhere - but they're doing it quietly. Probably destroying something, no doubt.

The week was pretty busy. James was on half term break and spent the whole week filling in school application stuff. Georgie's business had a few hiccups, but he's still beavering feverishly and happily away.

The bakery is cooking on gas. We're doing 'deals'. Stuff is being shipped. All very exciting.

It's all good,then. Not often I say that, eh?

Eleven Entrepreneur Inc

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