Sunday, December 16, 2012


Despite a tough couple of years experienced by all immigrant families establishing themselves in new countries, we've somehow managed to produce and maintain three lovely boys - smiley, quirky and real little gentleman who all seem to be going from strength to strength.

Imagine our pride last night when James received the INTAC 'Sportsman of the Year" Award at the RBVIYC Commodores Dinner. We are so happy for him as James has shown such fortitude and determination throughout his first year of racing, all whilst maintaining his sense of humour and patience - both with his parents (as we struggled to get him to regattas and remember practise days) and most importantly, himself.  A Big Up, as they say on Isle 95FM,  to you James Noel Dawson, our brave and beautiful boy. Very well deserved. 

Those of you who know me, know that I'm actually quite a girly girl. I've always had a slight horror of becoming the consummate Jolly Hockey Sticks Mother of Boys, having to throw out elegance in favour of efficiencies needed for managing multiple sports calendars and truck-loads of smelly socks.

Quite a few of my fears have definitely been fulfilled and you should see the interesting line in Bad Hair scarves going on right now which William called "good Christmas hair"  because it looked like snow. He also offered to give me a 'massacare' the other day, as my nails were so tatty.  Tyler's current Unibomber- style beard also falls into the category of 'effeciency' along with Dilbert Pointy-Haired Boss hairstyles. Sadly no yummy-mummy, island-style happening here and definitely no yoga on the beach in my pink cowboy hat, as I had imagined my life to be once we hit the Caribbean.

But you know, so bloody what. My time for yoga and style will return and as long as one can scrub up (and shave) occasionally when it matters and remember not to go out in ones tracky bottoms, to hell with the yummy-mummy thing. I'd rather have three lovely boys anyday, who light us up from the inside and make all this Mortal Coil worthwhile - so Big Up, Dawson Boys xxx

The rest of the week was spent icing biscuits. 

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