Sunday, June 2, 2013

Above water again


We slept for 10 hours last night, something neither of us have done for the past three years and I actually felt like a human being again this morning which was further improved by a delicious brunch cooked by Tyler of rosti, chorizo & eggs and a couple of litres of coffee. I'm ignoring the house which is now beyond redemption and lying on the sofa catching up on 3 months of Vanity Fair's and Saveur magazines, with the parrot happily screeching on the balcony and the new cat (which arrived 2 days before Tyler collapsed) bouncing off the walls. The cat is called 'Scratchy' - need  I say more?

The family is slowly getting back to normal. Tyler has just taken the boys off to Brewers Bay to try out his Birthday freedive fins which he still hadn't manage to use yet. He is improving daily, and despite some continuing health niggles which we want to get to the bottom of this coming week - seems to have turned the corner both physically and mentally. He's still weak, gets tired very quickly and is stiff and sore - but he's back to working mornings in the bakery and is quietly very pleased at the changes we've made and the growth over the past few months.

The bakery's New York shipment is finally happening this week after so many delays and setbacks and the shelves should be going up (carpenter never pitched up again this weekend) with the AC unit's imminent installation. Once all of this is in place, we are expanding our product range quite significantly which we'll test-drive over the Summer, in time for next year's season.

I do think we should have a bloody great party on September 5th, when we would have been open for one whole long year. We should style it on the Oxford & Cambridge Commom Balls' Survivor Parties, held at dawn with some bacon butties and beer tankards of Pimms. 

That will be me dancing on the tables.