Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Looking good in the life jackets

After the big rains of a few weeks ago, the killer mozzies are now back with alacrity and have got the better of me already this morning, so I'm up early to make myself a cup pf tea and scratch my legs in peace. I've discovered that DDT  (diethyltoluamide) is alive and kicking - it's now just called DEET. It's actually the main component of Peaceful Sleep, but I've ditched that in favour of the hard-core Caribbean stuff which has about double the quantities and extends your odds of survival. In fact what I'd really like is one of those disco dry-ice machine things which pumps the stuff out in a misty cloud, but I guess those got banned along with the crop sprayers. Pity.

We had an unexpectedly nice weekend. Last week the boys were off sailing all week and I had the Big Boss down from London, so it was a busy week for all. T actually had two consecutive days on-island and the New Business now has a pulse. Sooooo exciting. We're thinking Easter not Christmas, as there is lots to do.

Just as we were settling down for a domestic, cake-baking type of a weekend we were invited to go off to Joost van Dyke, which usually only means one thing - namely the Soggy Dollar (the beach bar where you jump into the water). Saturday was it's birthday party or something, so there were swarms of bikined-up 30-somethings mainly from the US Virgin islands, all dancing up a storm. Huge fun, but I paced the Painkillers.

Sunday morning kicked off with the boy's photo session which we had won at the school fundraiser (which this space) followed by a long brunch (11am to 4:30pm) at the Tamarind Club (where the Bloody Mary's are complimentary) and then on to meeting T at Joasiah's Bay at 5pm for a swim. We tumbled home around 7pm, having spent most of the weekend in the sun and in the water. Despite caps and rashies, we all still looked sunburnt and red-eyed.

Even the boys are now looking forward to shopping malls and some smog.

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