OK, I've cheered up and am back to my old self again. It was a good week.
Here are some of the things that made the difference:
We all need a little bit of Ab Fab in our lives |
We watched the show on BBC last Tuesday which was so hysterical we had to send the kids off to bed as the brilliantly politically incorrectness was just confusing them.
Gracie goes for a run |
This is Gracie's new trick. She runs full pelt up the mosquito screen door and then swings from the top a bit before scuttling down again, like a spider. We get this daily show from our bed!
We actually got water this week in the Bakery. Still no electricity, however. I'm now completely over trying to be calm and upbeat about this drama dragging on for 4 whole months. Just give us the goddamn electricity, you $#heads. I want an OPEN bakery and a bank account with money in it again and REAL BREAD to eat, for f*%ck sake. I've officially run out of patience.
Beetle Slug Bug |
This reminds me so much of Tyler's deeply chic little black & cream Bug he had in Joburg
(before it was stolen, that is).
We are picking Susie up at the airport in the Cat! |
The floating Gin Palace has been booked and we are looking forward to sailing away on the 23rd August. We will be pottering around Anageda and the North Sound with Susan Gawith & Boys. We are all counting the days for our trailblazing friend to arrive!
I couldn't agree more How cool was the Opening Ceremony? |
Tyler had to sit holding 2 wires together as we had rigged the TV to watch BBC (ie NOT NBC!) |
My brilliant nephew Myles and his beautiful wife Jane launched their amazing cook book: The Surf Cafe Cook Book. Buy one on Amazon now! |
Lettuce Turnip The Beet. Totally gratuitous cute picture which if it doesn't make you smile means you are a completely cold, heartless bastard |
And lastly: Happy Days. Flora is settling in as you can see! |