Saturday, July 10, 2010

Warning: Learner Blogger

I've managed to delete my first post. That was clever. So here goes again. Bear with me whilst I learn these new skills. Clever photos and links may take awhile.

We've resigned the jobs, sold the house and the shippers have managed to find Tortola on the map now. My mother is convinced that I will end up as a rum-soaked 50 year old waitress. Everyone is slightly shocked (and probably says we are COMPLETELY mad, behind our backs) and we've had quite a few 4am panic attacks something along the lines of "are we COMPLETELY mad?"

In about 7 weeks time we are leaving Beautiful South Africa for the Beautiful British Virgin Islands, where Tyler was born 40 years ago. Out of the blue the other evening, the boy's new school called to make an appointment for Monday 9am 30 August. We were a bit speechless after that, because we were no longer just sailing off into the sunset.

So I thought that a blog would be a fabulous way to waste time whilst I had so much to get on with. I also cannot get the hang of FaceBook. Maybe I don't understand it or just too old for it, but I don't like it. So there.

It's a gloriously sunny day here in wintery Johannesburg today. The World Cup Final is tomorrow. Tyler is at Soccer City setting up for tomorrow. Time to atend to my lists again!